Using Technology to Improve Student Success

Getting students motivated within STEM subjects and beyond is essential to ensure that they perform well in their studies and become employable. Inside the changing world of higher education, university tutors and lecturers can struggle to motivate their students. Petty (1998) states that, “motivation is regarded by experienced and inexperienced teachers alike as a prerequisite for effective learning”. This certainly appears to be the case in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Students working within these disciplines are ingrained in technology within their everyday lives. Hence, these students could be expected to wish to see technology widely used within the classroom.

This project will explore what technologies would best support teaching staff to have the greatest impact to improve students experience and results. This project could be a research only project or could include the creation of a tool to meet the intended outcomes.

Student projects selection web-based system

You are using a system to store project suggestions from members of staff in a format that students can access, and so select themselves a final year project. Chris Bowers has put a lot of work into developing this system, but I'm sure there is room to make it even better. This project will involve finding out what improvements users would like to see, implementing as many as possible of them, and evaluating the outcome. It may involve developing a completely new system, or (with Chris Bowers' agreement) improving his system.

Detecting Physical Misuse of Mobile Devices

damaged phone

Due to the ubiquitous and pervasive nature of mobile devices they are prone to being exposed to a wide variety of potentially hazardous environments and situations. There is a growing interest in being able to monitor and detect exposure to such environments. An example of this is the inclusion of water ingress detectors in many mobile devices that change colour when exposed to water. 

This project aims to extend the kinds of hazards that can be detected by mobile devices. In particular it should look at impact forces and generate notifications of potentially harmful forces. The project would consist of development and evaluation of potential detection techniques using existing sensors and to develop a working prototype logging and notification application.

Reducing Sedentary Behaviour Amongst Gamers

sedentary gamer

The project will address the issue of excess sedentary behaviours typically undertaken by gamers. The project may consists of the following:

 - Undertake a critical literature review of sedentary behaviour interventions and examine their effectiveness
 - Develop a novel technology driven sedentary behaviour intervention on gamers.
 - Evaluate the effectiveness of this newly developed intervention.